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書 名:The prisoner of Zenda /
作 者:Mowat, Diane.
合著作者:Hope, Anthony,1863-1933.
合著作者:Marks, Alan,1957-
版 本:2nd ed.
出 版 項:Oxford :Oxford University Press,2000.
稽 核 項:72 p. :ill. ;20 cm. +2 cassettes.
叢 書 項:Oxford bookworms library.|nStage 3,Thriller & adventure.
I S B N:0194230120
標 題 項:Readers.

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 the prisoner of zenda /
作者 anthony hope ; retold by diane mowat ; illustrated by alan marks.hope, anthony,marks, alan,
出版項 oxford university press,
叢書項 oxford bookworms library.|nstage 3,
標題項 readers.
分類號 808.83
杜威分類法 pn1997
ISBN 0194230120

The prisoner of Zenda /Anthony Hope ; retold by Diane Mowat ; illustrated by Alan Marks..--2nd ed. .--Oxford :Oxford University Press,2000. .--Oxford bookworms library.|nStage 3,.--Thriller & adventure.
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
曙光女中圖書館/(未記錄) 019337 808.83/8 在館中

Panorama : building perspective through reading / Kathleen F. Flynn, Daphne Mackey, Latricia Trites withDena Daniel and Adrianne Ochoa..--New York :Oxford University Press,c2006.
Brave new world/Aldous Huxley ;retold by H.A. Cartledge .--Harlow:Pearson Educational, 1999
Wuthering heights /Emily Bronte ; retold by Hilary Burnningham ; illustrated by Tracy Fennell..--London :Evans Brothers Limited,2006. .--Fast track classics

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