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書 名:Night
作 者:WieselElie
出 版 項:New York:Hill and Wang, c2006
稽 核 項:xxi, 120 p.;22 cm
ISBN:0374500010(pbk )
附 註 項:Originally published in 1958 by Les ditions de Minuit, France, as La nuit
附 註 項:"Oprah's book club"-- Cover
附 註 項:"With a new preface by the author"-- Cover
標 題 項:World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, Jewish
標 題 項:Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Biography
標 題 項:World War, 1939-1945--Children
標 題 項:Concentration camps--Personal narratives
標 題 項:Jews--Persecutions
標 題 項:Jews--Biography --Romania

連結查詢 權威標目
書名 night
作者 wieseleliewieselmarion
出版項 hill and wang
標題項 world war, 1939-1945personal narratives, jewish holocaust, jewish (1939-1945)biography world war, 1939-1945children concentration campspersonal narratives jewspersecutions jewsromaniabiography
分類號 804
杜威分類法 940.5318
ISBN 03743999720374500010978037439997497803743999799780374500011

Night/Elie Wiesel ;translated from the French by Marion Wiesel ; [foreword by Francois Mauriac].--New York:Hill and Wang, c2006
註記 館別/館藏地 登錄號 分類號/作者號 圖書狀況
曙光女中圖書館/(未記錄) 003569 804/8 在館中

凱琪的包裹/坎達絲.弗萊明(Candace Fleming)文 ;史黛西.崔森.麥昆(Stacy Dressen-McQueen)圖劉清彥譯.--初版 .--臺北市:臺灣東方, 2004.06
Rose Blanche /Roberto Innocenti ; text by Christophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti ; [English translation,Martha Coventry and Richard Graglia]
Number the stars/Lois Lowry .--Boston:Houghton Mifflin Co., 1989

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